Commit b445f349 authored by Martin Drechsler's avatar Martin Drechsler

some not important changes and an organization md file

parent e2893ce0
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ Here the class of control signals are created. There are two types: analog and d
import sys
if sys.platform == 'linux':
from drivers.ADoutputs_linux import daq_AO, daq_DO
from drivers.ADoutputs_linux import daq_AO, daq_DO
except Exception:
print('No MCCDAQ found')
from drivers.ADoutputs import daq_AO, daq_DO
from drivers.ADoutputs import daq_AO, daq_DO
from PyQt5 import QtCore
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ controlled from this Gui. It is more for searching and exploring the paremeters.
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore
import qdarkstyle
#import qdarkstyle
import os
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore
from drivers.andorzyla import AndorZyla
#from drivers.dummyAndor import AndorZyla
#from drivers.andorzyla import AndorZyla
from drivers.dummyAndor import AndorZyla
from cameraGui import CameraGuiMainWindow
from zylaCameraWorker import CameraWorker
......@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
myGuiMainWindow = CameraGuiMainWindow()
cameraMainWindow = CameraGuiMainWindow()
cameraWorker = CameraWorker(camera)
cameraThread = QtCore.QThread()
# Architecture
The code is organized in three layers:
- Drivers: talk to the instruments and handle all the specifics exposing a, hopefully, user friendly API.
- Backend: Organize more complex actions, that might or might not involve instruments.
- Frontend: Provide a user interface. It should not be required to work.
**Basic blocks**
The basic blocks are the following:
- Camera frontend and backend: cameraGUi and zylaCameraWorker
- MCCDAQ frontend and backend: controlGui and MCDAQcontrolsignals
There is and aditional block, which is the measurement block. Its frontend lies in the camera frontend, and its backend lies in the camera backend. From there, it also controls the daq control signals.
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# Control App
## Getting Started
## ¿What is my purpose?
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This application should enable to control, for now, a measurement computing daq and a zyla camera.
## Requisites
These requisites are recommended to be installed after creating the anaconda environment described below.
In windows, the mcculw package is needed. You can install it from, where you need to follow some simple instrucions. After following those, open the installed
program Instalcal at least once for getting some neccesary updates.
In Linux, you will need the mccdaq package. You can install it from There you should go to the github repository and follow the build instructions.
Also, check requisites.txt, and install the python packages listed there. This can be usually done via PIP.
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Also, check requisites.txt, and install the python packages listed there. This can be usually done via PIP.
## Getting started
You can run the Software directly from the repo. First install all
the dependencies in a conda environment:
$ conda create -n controlApp python=3.6
$ conda activate controlApp
$ conda install numpy pyqt pyqtgraph matplotlib
Then run it simply by calling main in that environment:
$ python
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