Commit 085c9da6 authored by Nicolas Nunez Barreto's avatar Nicolas Nunez Barreto

comento codigo para marce

parent 2fdd462f
......@@ -86,822 +86,33 @@ CountsSplit_2ions.append(Split(Counts[4],len(Freqs[4])))
Ploteo la cpt de referencia / plotting the reference CPT
jvec = [2] # de la 1 a la 9 vale la pena, despues no
drs = [390.5, 399.5, 406, 413.5]
Frequencies = Freqs[0]
i = 0
for j in jvec:
plt.errorbar([2*f*1e-6 for f in Frequencies], CountsSplit[0][j], yerr=np.sqrt(CountsSplit[0][j]), fmt='o', capsize=2, markersize=2)
i = i + 1
plt.xlabel('Frecuencia (MHz)')
#for dr in drs:
# plt.axvline(dr)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion+3*0.8
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 1
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_1, pcov_1 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_1 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_1)
beta1 = popt_1[4]
errorbeta1 = np.sqrt(pcov_1[4,4])
temp1 = popt_1[5]
errortemp1 = np.sqrt(pcov_1[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_1, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 1')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion+1.6
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 2
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_2, pcov_2 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_2 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_2)
beta2 = popt_2[4]
errorbeta2 = np.sqrt(pcov_2[4,4])
temp2 = popt_2[5]
errortemp2 = np.sqrt(pcov_2[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_2, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 2')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion+0.8
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 3
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
popt_3, pcov_3 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_3 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_3)
beta3 = popt_3[4]
errorbeta3 = np.sqrt(pcov_3[4,4])
temp3 = popt_3[5]
errortemp3 = np.sqrt(pcov_3[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_3, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 3')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 4
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_4, pcov_4 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_4 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_4)
beta4 = popt_4[4]
errorbeta4 = np.sqrt(pcov_4[4,4])
temp4 = popt_4[5]
errortemp4 = np.sqrt(pcov_4[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_4, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 4')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion-1
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 5
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
#TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_5, pcov_5 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_5 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_5)
beta5 = popt_5[4]
errorbeta5 = np.sqrt(pcov_5[4,4])
temp5 = popt_5[5]
errortemp5 = np.sqrt(pcov_5[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_5, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 5')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion-2.2
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 6
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
popt_6, pcov_6 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 5e4, 1e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_6 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_6)
beta6 = popt_6[4]
errorbeta6 = np.sqrt(pcov_6[4,4])
temp6 = popt_6[5]
errortemp6 = np.sqrt(pcov_6[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_6, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 6')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion-3.7
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 7
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_7, pcov_7 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_7 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_7)
beta7 = popt_7[4]
errorbeta7 = np.sqrt(pcov_7[4,4])
temp7 = popt_7[5]
errortemp7 = np.sqrt(pcov_7[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_7, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 7')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
Ploteo curvas para ver que tal son
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
offsetxpi = 419+correccion-4.9
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 8
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = False
if do_fit:
popt_8, pcov_8 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10, 10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_8 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_8)
jvec = [2] # de la 1 a la 9 vale la pena, despues no
beta8 = popt_8[4]
errorbeta8 = np.sqrt(pcov_8[4,4])
temp8 = popt_8[5]
errortemp8 = np.sqrt(pcov_8[5,5])
Frequencies = Freqs[0]
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_8, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 8')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
i = 0
for j in jvec:
plt.errorbar([2*f*1e-6 for f in Frequencies], CountsSplit[0][j], yerr=np.sqrt(CountsSplit[0][j]), fmt='o', capsize=2, markersize=2)
i = i + 1
plt.xlabel('Frecuencia (MHz)')
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
Temp = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.544
sp = 4.5
sr = 0
DetRepump = 0
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 16
offsetxpi = 419+correccion-6
DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
selectedcurve = 9
FreqsDR = [2*f*1e-6-offsetxpi for f in Freqs[0]]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_single(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
#TEMP = 0.2e-3
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
popt_9, pcov_9 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_single, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, 1e-3], bounds=((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (2, 20, 5e4, 5e4, 10,10e-3)))
FittedEITpi_9 = FitEIT_MM_single(freqslong, *popt_9)
beta9 = popt_9[4]
errorbeta9 = np.sqrt(pcov_9[4,4])
temp9 = popt_9[5]
errortemp9 = np.sqrt(pcov_9[5,5])
plt.errorbar(FreqsDR, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FittedEITpi_9, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 9')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
La 0 no ajusta bien incluso con todos los parametros libres
De la 1 a la 11 ajustan bien
De la 1 a la 11 ajustan bien. Ignoro las demas
......@@ -932,11 +143,6 @@ DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #a
u = 32.5e6
#B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
correccion = 13
#DetDoppler = -11.5-correccion
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6
alpha = 0
......@@ -946,7 +152,6 @@ drivefreq = 2*np.pi*22.135*1e6
SelectedCurveVec = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
#SelectedCurveVec = [10]
popt_SA_vec = []
pcov_SA_vec = []
......@@ -965,8 +170,6 @@ ErrorDetuningsUV_vec = []
for selectedcurve in SelectedCurveVec:
FreqsDR = Freqs[0]
CountsDR = CountsSplit[0][selectedcurve]
......@@ -989,11 +192,6 @@ for selectedcurve in SelectedCurveVec:
def FitEIT_MM_single(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP, U, plot=False):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset for f in Freqs]
......@@ -1164,42 +362,40 @@ paleta = sns.color_palette("rocket")
Por si no quiero correr todo de nuevo:
Por si no quiero correr todo de nuevo,
los vectores del grafico son estos
Betas_vec = [1.5063238290734708, 0.901629236713104, 0.5280696724084589, 0.32347492275852474, 0.581352716043054, 0.9655636982224044, 1.6186284658310388, 2.1055294502704047, 2.548008896618126, 3.130666254406969, 3.1665902866111795]
ErrorBetas_vec = [0.034184989382424424, 0.04827624922956116, 0.054704762232730145, 0.06708926613955447, 0.047526038227881616, 0.05210296764897591, 0.03630379898730492, 0.034064021790261405, 0.050405155463964166, 0.10838273932613045, 0.2828605486723366]
Temp_vec = [0.0017384071359855713, 0.0006380145223733723, 0.0007457923288975645, 0.0006442238745101592, 0.0006270680749881928, 0.0008995355804703286, 0.0017799223158665226, 0.002941224610139307, 0.008378628768005558, 0.026250695067608725, 0.09869604401089357]
ErrorTemp_vec = [0.0004229476096548473, 0.00014439375508413987, 0.00013204015146487435, 9.307939678673377e-05, 0.000100129717662808, 0.0001841318633900307, 0.0003595040837509976, 0.0005950353892849986, 0.001866844309182069, 0.012656306714647434, 0.13143081065882864]
def expo(x,tau,A,B):
return A*np.exp(x/tau)+B
def cuadratica(x,a,c):
return a*(x**2)+c
def MicromotionSpectra(beta,det, gamma):
Espectro de transicion doppler considerando micromocion
P = (jv(0, beta)**2)/(((det)**2)+(0.5*gamma)**2)
i = 1
while i <= 2:
while i <= 2: #numero de bandas de micromocion a considerar
P = P + ((jv(i, beta))**2)/((((det)+i*ftrap)**2)+(0.5*gamma)**2) + ((jv(-i, beta))**2)/((((det)-i*ftrap)**2)+(0.5*gamma)**2)
i = i + 1
return (gamma/2*np.pi)*P
#return P
def polynomial(x,a,b,c,d,e):
return a+b*x+c*x*x+d*x*x*x+e*x*x*x*x
def InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, det, gamma):
La inversa de la derivada del espectro de micromocion
#det = -gamma/2
......@@ -1216,48 +412,58 @@ def InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, det, gamma):
def FinalTemp(beta,det, C,D):
Este deja libre un factor C para corregir la primera parte pero
si ajustamos con esto, C da casi 1 entonces es al pedo.
Funcion para ajustar la tmeperatura final en funcion de beta.
Esta funcion tiene un parametro de ajuste C para estudiar posibles desviacioens de la temperatura
doppler teorica para un sistema de dos niveles.
gamma = 23e6
hbar = 1.05e-34
kb = 1.38e-23
return ((hbar/(kb))*C*MicromotionSpectra(beta,2*np.pi*det,2*np.pi*gamma)+D*(beta**2))*InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, 2*np.pi*det, 2*np.pi*gamma)
def FinalTemp_withoutC(beta,det, D, forgetmicromotion=False):
Funcion para ajustar la temperatura final en funcion de beta.
Esta funcion no tiene ese parametro de ajuste ya que vi que era muy cercano a 1.
gamma = 23e6
hbar = 1.05e-34
kb = 1.38e-23
#C = 0.85
#det = -12e6
C = 1 #justamente aca dejo fijo ese parametro
if forgetmicromotion:
return ((hbar/(kb))*C*MicromotionSpectra(beta,2*np.pi*det,2*np.pi*gamma)+D*(beta**2))*InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, 2*np.pi*det, 2*np.pi*gamma)
#return (C*MicromotionSpectra(beta,det,gamma))*InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, det, gamma)
def FinalTemp_withoutC(beta,det, D):
def FinalTemp_withoutmicromotion(beta,det):
Este anda barbaro y es el que hay que usar
Funcion para ajustar la temperatura final en funcion de beta.
Esta funcion no tiene ese parametro de ajuste ya que vi que era muy cercano a 1.
gamma = 23e6
hbar = 1.05e-34
kb = 1.38e-23
C = 1
#det = -12e6
C = 1 #justamente aca dejo fijo ese parametro
return ((hbar/(kb))*C*MicromotionSpectra(beta,2*np.pi*det,2*np.pi*gamma)+D*(beta**2))*InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, 2*np.pi*det, 2*np.pi*gamma)
#return (C*MicromotionSpectra(beta,det,gamma))*InverseDerivMicromotionSpectra(beta, det, gamma)
Temperatura vs beta con un ajuste exponencial
#Dos pruebas... ignorar
#popt_rho22_balance, pcov_rho22_balance = curve_fit(FinalTemp,list(Betas_vec[:9]), [t for t in Temp_vec[:9]],p0=(-11e6,0.8,4e-28)) #esto ajusta muy bien
#popt_rho22_balance, pcov_rho22_balance = curve_fit(FinalTemp,list(Betas_vec[:10]), [t for t in Temp_vec[:10]],sigma=ErrorTemp_vec[:10],absolute_sigma=False,p0=(-10e6,0.8,5e-20)) #esto ajusta muy bien
#Buen ajuste final:
popt_rho22_balance, pcov_rho22_balance = curve_fit(FinalTemp_withoutC,list(Betas_vec[:10]), [t for t in Temp_vec[:10]],sigma=ErrorTemp_vec[:10],absolute_sigma=False,p0=(-10e6,5e-20)) #esto ajusta muy bien
popt_rho22_balance_noMM, pcov_rho22_balance_noMM = curve_fit(FinalTemp_withoutmicromotion,list(Betas_vec[:10]), [t for t in Temp_vec[:10]],sigma=ErrorTemp_vec[:10],absolute_sigma=False,p0=(-10e6)) #esto ajusta muy bien
......@@ -1277,7 +483,11 @@ k_plot = 9
plt.errorbar(Betas_vec[:k_plot],[t*1e3 for t in Temp_vec[:k_plot]],xerr=ErrorBetas_vec[:k_plot], yerr=[t*1e3 for t in ErrorTemp_vec[:k_plot]],fmt='o',capsize=5,markersize=5,color=paleta[3])
#plt.plot(betaslong,[t*1e3 for t in FinalTemp(betaslong,*popt_rho22_balance)],label='Ajuste con espectro modulado')
plt.plot(betaslong,[t*1e3 for t in FinalTemp_withoutC(betaslong,*popt_rho22_balance)],label='Ajuste con espectro modulado')
plt.plot(betaslong,[t*1e3 for t in FinalTemp_withoutC(betaslong,*popt_rho22_balance)],label='With RF heating')
plt.plot(betaslong,[t*1e3 for t in FinalTemp_withoutmicromotion(betaslong,*popt_rho22_balance_noMM)],label='Without RF heating')
#plt.plot(betaslong,FinalTemp_fixedall(betaslong,*popt_rho22_balance),label='Ajuste con espectro modulado')
# plt.xlim(-0.1,1.1)
......@@ -1285,7 +495,7 @@ plt.plot(betaslong,[t*1e3 for t in FinalTemp_withoutC(betaslong,*popt_rho22_bala
plt.xlabel('Modulation factor')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (mK)')
plt.title('With RF heating')
......@@ -1389,9 +599,16 @@ print(f'best: {1e3*np.min(Temps_limit)}')
plt.plot(DetVec*1e-6/(2*np.pi), np.array(Temps_limit)*1e3)
plt.xlabel('detuning (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('final temperature')
Calculo del heating rate por micromocion final
gammita = 22.1e6
......@@ -1410,83 +627,10 @@ print(f'heating rate due to rf heating: {rfheatrate*1e3} mK/s')
Esto no es del super ajuste sino de los ajustes anteriores en donde DetDoppler y offset son puestos a mano
Aca grafico los betas con su error en funcion de la tension variada.
Ademas, hago ajuste lineal para primeros y ultimos puntos, ya que espero que
si la tension hace que la posicion del ion varie linealmente, el beta varia proporcional a dicha posicion.
import seaborn as sns
def lineal(x,a,b):
return a*x+b
paleta = sns.color_palette("rocket")
betavector = [beta1,beta2,beta3,beta4,beta5,beta6,beta7,beta8,beta9]
errorbetavector = [errorbeta1,errorbeta2,errorbeta3,errorbeta4,errorbeta5,errorbeta6,errorbeta7,errorbeta8,errorbeta9]
voltages_dcA = Voltages[0][1:10]
poptini,pcovini = curve_fit(lineal,voltages_dcA[0:3],betavector[0:3])
poptfin,pcovfin = curve_fit(lineal,voltages_dcA[4:],betavector[4:])
minimum_voltage = -(poptini[1]-poptfin[1])/(poptini[0]-poptfin[0]) #voltaje donde se intersectan las rectas, es decir, donde deberia estar el minimo de micromocion
minimum_modulationfactor = lineal(minimum_voltage,*poptini) #es lo mismo si pongo *poptfin
xini = np.linspace(-0.23,-0.13,100)
xfin = np.linspace(-0.15,0.005,100)
plt.xlabel('Endcap voltage (V)')
plt.ylabel('Modulation factor')
Aca veo la temperatura del ion en funcion del voltaje del endcap, ya que
al cambiar la cantidad de micromocion, cambia la calidad del enfriado
tempvector = np.array([temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8,temp9])*1e3
errortempvector = np.array([errortemp1,errortemp2,errortemp3,errortemp4,errortemp5,errortemp6,errortemp7,errortemp8,errortemp9])*1e3
voltages_dcA = Voltages[0][1:10]
plt.xlabel('Endcap voltage (V)')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (mK)')
Por las dudas, temperatura en funcion de beta
plt.xlabel('Modulation factor')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (mK)')
Si quiero ver algun parametro del ajuste puntual. el orden es: 0:SG, 1:SP, 2:SCALE1, 3:OFFSET
plt.errorbar(np.arange(0,9,1),[popt_1[ki],popt_2[ki],popt_3[ki],popt_4[ki],popt_5[ki],popt_6[ki],popt_7[ki],popt_8[ki],popt_9[ki]],yerr=[np.sqrt(pcov_1[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_2[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_3[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_4[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_5[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_6[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_7[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_8[ki,ki]),np.sqrt(pcov_9[ki,ki])], fmt='o',capsize=3,markersize=3)
Las mediciones estan buenas, habria que ver de ajustarlas bien, yo no lo logre.
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ for kk in range(len(MultiCounts)):
Ploteo la cpt de referencia / plotting the reference CPT
jvec = [0] # de la 1 a la 9 vale la pena, despues no
jvec = [1]
......@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ meds:
jvec = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]
jvec = [10]
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ print(CountsSplit[med][j][12])
#from EITfit.MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels
from EITfit.lolo_modelo_full_8niveles import PerformExperiment_8levels_MM
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import time
......@@ -206,16 +206,16 @@ freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(Fre
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_1ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP, plot=False):
def FitEIT_MM_1ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP, U, plot=False):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset for f in Freqs]
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, U, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
if plot:
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def FitEIT_MM_1ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEM
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
popt_1, pcov_1 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_1ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[430, -25, 0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 1.34e3, 2, (np.pi**2)*1e-3], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e4, 10, (np.pi**2)*10e-3)))
popt_1, pcov_1 = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_1ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[430, -25, 0.9, 6.2, 3e4, 200, 2, (np.pi**2)*1e-3,32.5e6], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,30e6), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e4, 10, (np.pi**2)*10e-3,35e6)))
FittedEITpi_1_short, Detunings_1_short = FitEIT_MM_1ion(FreqsDR, *popt_1, plot=True)
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ CountsDR = SingleCounts[selectedcurve]
CircPr = 1
alpha = 0
def FitEIT_MM_2ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, SCALE2, OFFSET1, OFFSET2, BETA1, BETA2, TEMP, plot=False):
def FitEIT_MM_2ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, SCALE2, BETA1, BETA2, TEMP, U, plot=False, plotsingles=False):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
......@@ -298,36 +298,55 @@ def FitEIT_MM_2ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, SCALE2, OFFSET1, O
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset for f in Freqs]
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
Detunings, Fluorescence2 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA2, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, U, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
Detunings, Fluorescence2 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, U, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA2, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
OFFSET1 = 300
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + OFFSET1 for f in Fluorescence1])
ScaledFluo2 = np.array([f*SCALE2 + OFFSET2 for f in Fluorescence2])
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + 0.5*OFFSET1 for f in Fluorescence1])
ScaledFluo2 = np.array([f*SCALE2 + 0.5*OFFSET1 for f in Fluorescence2])
if plot:
return ScaledFluo1+ScaledFluo2, Detunings
if plotsingles:
return ScaledFluo1, ScaledFluo2, Detunings
return ScaledFluo1+ScaledFluo2
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
popt_1_2ion, pcov_1_2ion = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_2ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[445, -32, 0.5, 7, 2e4, 1e4, 2e3, 1.5e3, 2, 1, 0.5e-3], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0,0, 0), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e6, 5e4,5e4, 10, 10,20e-3)))
popt_1_2ion, pcov_1_2ion = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_2ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[445, -32, 0.5, 7, 2e4, 1e4, 2, 1, 0.5e-3, 32e6], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0,30e6), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e6, 10, 10,20e-3,35e6)))
FittedEITpi_1_short_2ion, Detunings_1_short_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(FreqsDR, *popt_1_2ion, plot=True)
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
FittedEITpi_1_long_2ion, Detunings_1_long_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(freqslong, *popt_1_2ion, plot=True)
plt.errorbar(Detunings_1_short_2ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(Detunings_1_long_2ion, FittedEITpi_1_long_2ion, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 1')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
if plot_singles:
FittedEITpi_1_short_2ion_ion1, FittedEITpi_1_short_2ion_ion2, Detunings_1_short_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(FreqsDR, *popt_1_2ion, plot=False, plotsingles=True)
#plt.errorbar(Detunings_1_short_2ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(Detunings_1_short_2ion, FittedEITpi_1_short_2ion_ion1, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 1')
plt.plot(Detunings_1_short_2ion, FittedEITpi_1_short_2ion_ion2, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 1')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
plt.errorbar(Detunings_1_short_2ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(Detunings_1_long_2ion, FittedEITpi_1_long_2ion, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label='med 1')
#plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {round(popt[2]*1e3, 2)} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
......@@ -391,13 +410,13 @@ for selectedcurve in selectedcurvevec:
def FitEIT_MM_2ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, SCALE2, OFFSET, BETA1, BETA2, TEMP, U, plot=False):
def FitEIT_MM_2ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, SCALE2, BETA1, BETA2, TEMP, U, plot=False):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
OFFSET = 300
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset for f in Freqs]
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, U, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
......@@ -415,46 +434,45 @@ for selectedcurve in selectedcurvevec:
def FitEIT_MM_1ion(Freqs, offset1, offset2, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1, TEMP, plot=False):
def FitEIT_MM_1ion(Freqs, offset, DetDoppler, SG, SP, SCALE1, BETA1, TEMP, U, plot=False):
#def FitEIT_MM(freqs, SG, SP, SCALE1, OFFSET, BETA1):
#BETA = 1.8
# SG = 0.6
# SP = 8.1
# TEMP = 0.2e-3
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset1 for f in Freqs]
OFFSET = 300
freqs = [2*f*1e-6-offset for f in Freqs]
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
#Detunings, Fluorescence2 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA2, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
Detunings, Fluorescence1 = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(SG, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, U, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, TEMP, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, BETA1, drivefreq, min(freqs), max(freqs)+(freqs[1]-freqs[0]), freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe=CircPr, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
ScaledFluo1 = np.array([f*SCALE1 + 1*OFFSET for f in Fluorescence1])
#ScaledFluo2 = np.array([f*SCALE2 + 0.5*OFFSET for f in Fluorescence2])
if plot:
return ScaledFluo1, Detunings
return ScaledFluo1
#return ScaledFluo1
do_fit = True
if do_fit:
#popt_multi1_1ion_test, pcov_multi1_1ion_test = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_1ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[448.2, -44.8, 0.5, 6.6, 3.8e4, 1.5e-1, 4.2, 1.4e-3], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e4, 10, 20e-3)))
popt_multi1_2ion_test, pcov_multi1_2ion_test = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_2ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[448.2, -44.8, 0.5, 6.6, 3.8e4, 1.26e5, 1000, 4.2, 1.3, 1.4e-3, 32e6], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, 0,0, 0, 28e6), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e6, 2000, 10, 10,20e-3,40e6)))
popt_multi1_1ion_test, pcov_multi1_1ion_test = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_1ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[448.2, -44.8, 0.5, 6.6, 3.8e4, 1, 1e-3, 32e6], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30e6), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 10, 10e-3, 35e6)))
#popt_multi1_2ion_test, pcov_multi1_2ion_test = curve_fit(FitEIT_MM_2ion, FreqsDR, CountsDR, p0=[448.2, -44.8, 0.5, 6.6, 3.8e4, 1.26e5, 4.2, 1.3, 1.4e-3, 32e6], bounds=((0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 28e6), (1000, 0, 2, 20, 5e6, 5e6, 10, 10,20e-3,40e6)))
popt_multi1_2ion_test = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
pcov_multi1_2ion_test = [0]
# FittedEITpi_multi1_short_1ion, Detunings_multi1_short_1ion = FitEIT_MM_1ion(FreqsDR, *popt_multi1_1ion_test, plot=True)
# freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
# FittedEITpi_multi1_long_1ion, Detunings_multi1_long_1ion = FitEIT_MM_1ion(freqslong, *popt_multi1_1ion_test, plot=True)
FittedEITpi_multi1_short_1ion, Detunings_multi1_short_1ion = FitEIT_MM_1ion(FreqsDR, *popt_multi1_1ion_test, plot=True)
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
FittedEITpi_multi1_long_1ion, Detunings_multi1_long_1ion = FitEIT_MM_1ion(freqslong, *popt_multi1_1ion_test, plot=True)
FittedEITpi_multi1_short_2ion, Detunings_multi1_short_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(FreqsDR, *popt_multi1_2ion_test, plot=True)
freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
FittedEITpi_multi1_long_2ion, Detunings_multi1_long_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(freqslong, *popt_multi1_2ion_test, plot=True)
# FittedEITpi_multi1_short_2ion, Detunings_multi1_short_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(FreqsDR, *popt_multi1_2ion_test, plot=True)
# freqslong = np.arange(min(FreqsDR), max(FreqsDR)+FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0], 0.1*(FreqsDR[1]-FreqsDR[0]))
# FittedEITpi_multi1_long_2ion, Detunings_multi1_long_2ion = FitEIT_MM_2ion(freqslong, *popt_multi1_2ion_test, plot=True)
......@@ -462,24 +480,24 @@ for selectedcurve in selectedcurvevec:
print(f'Listo {selectedcurve}')
# plt.figure()
# plt.errorbar(Detunings_multi1_short_1ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
# plt.plot(Detunings_multi1_long_1ion, FittedEITpi_multi1_long_1ion, color='red', linewidth=3, label=f'selcurve: {selectedcurve}')
# plt.title('1 ion model')
# plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
# plt.ylabel('Counts')
# plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
# plt.grid()
plt.errorbar(Detunings_multi1_short_2ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(Detunings_multi1_long_2ion, FittedEITpi_multi1_long_2ion, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label=f'selcurve: {selectedcurve}')
plt.title('2 ion model')
plt.errorbar(Detunings_multi1_short_1ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(Detunings_multi1_long_1ion, FittedEITpi_multi1_long_1ion, color='red', linewidth=3, label=f'selcurve: {selectedcurve}')
plt.title('1 ion model')
plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
# plt.figure()
# plt.errorbar(Detunings_multi1_short_2ion, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', color='darkgreen', alpha=0.5, capsize=2, markersize=2)
# plt.plot(Detunings_multi1_long_2ion, FittedEITpi_multi1_long_2ion, color='darkolivegreen', linewidth=3, label=f'selcurve: {selectedcurve}')
# plt.title('2 ion model')
# plt.xlabel('Detuning (MHz)')
# plt.ylabel('Counts')
# plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
# plt.grid()
# plt.plot(detunings,'o')
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
20 de dic 2023
@author: lolo
reingenieria del código que anda
|--> FullL_MM => ndarray(64,64,np.complex_)
|--> dopplerBroadening => float
|--> EffectiveL => ndarray(8,8,np.complex_)
|--> H0matrix => ndarray(8,8,np.complex_)
|--> HImatrix => ndarray(8,8,np.complex_)
|--> CalculateSingleMmatrix => ndarray(64,64,np.complex_)
|--> LtempCalculus => ndarray,ndarray
|--> GetL1 => ndarray
# pylint: disable=C0301,R0913,R0914,W0621
import time
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as sf
from numba import jit,njit
def PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, beta, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None):
solvemode=1: resuelve con np.linalg.solve
solvemode=2: resuelve invirtiendo L con la funcion np.linalg.inv
rta = CPTspectrum8levels_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u,
DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth,
T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe,
titaprobe, circularityprobe, beta, drivefreq,
freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep,
plot=False, solvemode=1)
ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluovector = rta
return ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluovector
def GenerateNoisyCPT_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, kg, kr, v0, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=0.001):
Genera un resultado de PerformExperiment_8levels_MM con ruido normal agregado
nFrequencyvector, Fluovector = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, kg, kr, v0, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
NoisyFluovector = [fluo+noiseamplitude*(2*random.random()-1) for fluo in Fluovector]
return nFrequencyvector, NoisyFluovector
def GenerateNoisyCPT_MM_fit(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, beta, drivefreq, freqs, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=0.001):
Este no se qué hace
Frequencyvector, Fluovector = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, beta, drivefreq, freqs[0], freqs[-1], freqs[1]-freqs[0], circularityprobe, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
#NoisyFluovector = [fluo+noiseamplitude*(2*random.random()-1) for fluo in Fluovector]
return Frequencyvector, Fluovector
def SmoothNoisyCPT(Fluo, window=11, poly=3):
SmoothenFluo = sf(Fluo, window, poly)
return SmoothenFluo
#%% Estos son los auxiliares ###################################################
Esta parte es la del modelo
def make_diag(vec):
"Construye matris diagonal desde una lista o vector"
return np.eye(len(vec))*np.array(vec).reshape(-1,1)
# @njit
# def kron(a,b):
# "Hago el producto de Kronecker a mano"
# return np.vstack( [ np.hstack( [ a[k,j]*b for j in range(a.shape[1]) ] ) for k in range(a.shape[0])])
# @njit
# def kron(A, B):
# cola = A.shape[1]
# rowa = A.shape[0]
# colb = B.shape[1]
# rowb = B.shape[0]
# C = [[0] * (cola * colb) for _ in range(rowa * rowb) ]
# for i in range(rowa):
# for k in range(cola):
# for j in range(rowb):
# for l in range(colb):
# C[i * rowb + k][j * colb + l] = A[i][j] * B[k][l]
# return np.array(C)
import numba
def kron(A,B):
for i in numba.prange(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(B.shape[0]):
for k in range(A.shape[1]):
for l in range(B.shape[1]):
return out
def H0matrix(Detg, Detp, u):
Calcula la matriz H0 en donde dr es el detuning del doppler, dp es el retuning
del repump y u es el campo magnético en Hz/Gauss.
Para esto se toma la energía del nivel P como 0
eigenEnergies = (Detg-u, Detg+u, -u/3, u/3, Detp-6*u/5,
Detp-2*u/5, Detp+2*u/5, Detp+6*u/5)
#pagina 26 de Oberst. los lande del calcio son iguales a Bario.
# H0 = np.diag(eigenEnergies)
# H0 = np.eye(len(eigenEnergies))*np.array(eigenEnergies).reshape(-1,1)
H0 = make_diag(eigenEnergies)
return H0
def HImatrix(rabG, rabP, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, circularityprobe=1):
Calcula la matriz de interacción Hsp + Hpd, en donde rabR es la frecuencia de rabi de
la transición Doppler SP, rabP es la frecuencia de rabi de la transición repump DP,
y las componentes ei_r y ei_p son las componentes de la polarización
del campo eléctrico incidente de doppler y repump respectivamente. Deben
estar normalizadas a 1
HI = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex_)
i, j = 1, 3
HI[i-1, j-1] = (rabG/np.sqrt(3)) * np.cos(titadoppler)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 1, 4
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabG/np.sqrt(3)) * np.sin(titadoppler)*np.exp(1j*phidoppler)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 2, 3
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabG/np.sqrt(3)) * np.sin(titadoppler)*np.exp(-1j*phidoppler)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 2, 4
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabG/np.sqrt(3)) * np.cos(titadoppler)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 3, 5
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabP/2) * np.sin(titaprobe)*(np.cos(phiprobe)-1j*np.sin(phiprobe)*circularityprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 3, 6
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabP/np.sqrt(3)) * np.cos(titaprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 3, 7
HI[i-1, j-1] = rabP/np.sqrt(12) * np.sin(titaprobe)*(np.cos(phiprobe)+1j*np.sin(phiprobe)*circularityprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 4, 6
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabP/np.sqrt(12)) * np.sin(titaprobe)*(np.cos(phiprobe)-1j*np.sin(phiprobe)*circularityprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 4, 7
HI[i-1, j-1] = -(rabP/np.sqrt(3)) * np.cos(titaprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
i, j = 4, 8
HI[i-1, j-1] = (rabP/2) * np.sin(titaprobe)*(np.cos(phiprobe)+1j*np.sin(phiprobe)*circularityprobe)
HI[j-1, i-1] = np.conjugate(HI[i-1, j-1])
return HI
# @jit
# def LtempCalculus(beta:float, drivefreq:float, forma=1):
# Hint = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex_)
# ampg=beta*drivefreq
# ampr=beta*drivefreq*(397/866)
# Hint[0,0] = ampg
# Hint[1,1] = ampg
# Hint[4,4] = ampr
# Hint[5,5] = ampr
# Hint[6,6] = ampr
# Hint[7,7] = ampr
# if forma==1:
# Ltemp = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
# for r in range(8):
# for q in range(8):
# if r!=q:
# Ltemp[r*8+q][r*8+q] = (-1j)*(Hint[r,r] - Hint[q,q])
# if forma==2:
# # deltaKro = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
# deltaKro = make_diag([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]).astype(np.complex_)
# # Ltemp = (-1j)*(np.kron(Hint, deltaKro) - np.kron(deltaKro, Hint))
# Ltemp = (-1j)*(kron(Hint, deltaKro) - kron(deltaKro, Hint))
# Omega = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
# for i in range(64):
# Omega[i, i] = (1j)*drivefreq
# return Ltemp, Omega
def LtempCalculus(beta:float, drivefreq:float, forma=1):
Hint = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex_)
Hint[0,0] = ampg
Hint[1,1] = ampg
Hint[4,4] = ampr
Hint[5,5] = ampr
Hint[6,6] = ampr
Hint[7,7] = ampr
Ltemp = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
for r in range(8):
for q in range(8):
if r!=q:
Ltemp[r*8+q][r*8+q] = (-1j)*(Hint[r,r] - Hint[q,q])
Omega = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
for i in range(64):
Omega[i, i] = (1j)*drivefreq
return Ltemp, Omega
# LtempCalculus(0,1)
# raise ValueError('aaa')
def GetL1(Ltemp, L0, Omega, nmax):
Devuelve Splus0 y Sminus0
# Sp = (-1)*(np.matrix(np.linalg.inv(L0 - (nmax+1)*Omega))*0.5*np.matrix(Ltemp))
# Sm = (-1)*(np.matrix(np.linalg.inv(L0 + (nmax+1)*Omega))*0.5*np.matrix(Ltemp))
Sp = (-1)*np.linalg.inv(L0 - (nmax+1)*Omega).dot(0.5*Ltemp)
Sm = (-1)*np.linalg.inv(L0 + (nmax+1)*Omega).dot(0.5*Ltemp)
for n in list(range(nmax+1))[(nmax+1)::-1][0:len(list(range(nmax+1))[(nmax+1)::-1])-1]: #jaja esto solo es para que vaya de nmax a 1 bajando. debe haber algo mas facil pero kcio
# Sp = (-1)*(np.matrix(np.linalg.inv(L0 - n*Omega + (0.5*Ltemp*np.matrix(Sp))))*0.5*np.matrix(Ltemp))
# Sm = (-1)*(np.matrix(np.linalg.inv(L0 + n*Omega + (0.5*Ltemp*np.matrix(Sm))))*0.5*np.matrix(Ltemp))
Sp = (-1)*np.linalg.inv(L0 - n*Omega + (0.5**Ltemp)
Sm = (-1)*np.linalg.inv(L0 + n*Omega + (0.5**Ltemp)
# L1 = 0.5*np.matrix(Ltemp)*(np.matrix(Sp) + np.matrix(Sm))
L1 = 0.5* + Sm)
return L1
def EffectiveL(gPS, gPD, lwg, lwp):
Siendo Heff = H + EffectiveL, calcula dicho EffectiveL que es (-0.5j)*sumatoria(CmDaga*Cm) que luego sirve para calcular el Liouvilliano
Leff = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex_)
Leff[0, 0] = 2*lwg
Leff[1, 1] = 2*lwg
Leff[2, 2] = ((2/3)+(1/3))*gPS + ((1/2) + (1/6) + (1/3))*gPD
Leff[3, 3] = ((2/3)+(1/3))*gPS + ((1/2) + (1/6) + (1/3))*gPD
Leff[4, 4] = 2*lwp
Leff[5, 5] = 2*lwp
Leff[6, 6] = 2*lwp
Leff[7, 7] = 2*lwp
return (-0.5j)*Leff
def CalculateSingleMmatrix(gPS, gPD, lwg, lwp):
Si tomamos el Liuvilliano como L = (-j)*(Heff*deltak - Heffdaga*deltak) + sum(Mm),
esta funcion calcula dichos Mm, que tienen dimensión 64x64 ya que esa es la dimensión del L. Estas componentes
salen de hacer la cuenta a mano conociendo los Cm y considerando que Mm[8*(r-1)+s, 8*(k-1)+j] = Cm[r,l] + Cmdaga[j,s] = Cm[r,l] + Cm[s,j]
ya que los componentes de Cm son reales.
Esta M es la suma de las 8 matrices M.
M = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
M[0,27] = (2/3)*gPS
M[9,18] = (2/3)*gPS
M[0,18] = (1/3)*gPS
M[1,19] = -(1/3)*gPS
M[8,26] = -(1/3)*gPS
M[9,27] = (1/3)*gPS
M[36,18] = (1/2)*gPD
M[37,19] = (1/np.sqrt(12))*gPD
M[44,26] = (1/np.sqrt(12))*gPD
M[45,27] = (1/6)*gPD
M[54,18] = (1/6)*gPD
M[55,19] = (1/np.sqrt(12))*gPD
M[62,26] = (1/np.sqrt(12))*gPD
M[63,27] = (1/2)*gPD
M[45,18] = (1/3)*gPD
M[46,19] = (1/3)*gPD
M[53,26] = (1/3)*gPD
M[54,27] = (1/3)*gPD
M[0,0] = 2*lwg
M[1,1] = 2*lwg
M[8,8] = 2*lwg
M[9,9] = 2*lwg
for k in [36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63]:
return M
def dopplerBroadening(wlg, wlp, alpha, T, mcalcio = 6.655e-23*1e-3):
Calcula el broadening extra semiclásico por temperatura considerando que el ion atrapado se mueve.
wlg es la longitud de onda doppler, wlp la longitud de onda repump, T la temperatura del ion en kelvin, y alpha (en rads) el ángulo
que forman ambos láseres.
kboltzmann = 1.38e-23 #J/K
gammaD = (2*np.pi)*np.sqrt((1/(wlg*wlg)) + (1/(wlp*wlp)) - 2*(1/(wlg*wlp))*np.cos(alpha))*np.sqrt(kboltzmann*T/(1*mcalcio))
return gammaD
def FullL_MM(rabG, rabP, gPS = 0, gPD = 0, Detg = 0, Detp = 0, u = 0, lwg = 0, lwp = 0,
phidoppler=0, titadoppler=0, phiprobe=0, titaprobe=0, beta=0,
drivefreq=2*np.pi*22.135*1e6, T = 0, alpha = 0, circularityprobe=1):
Calcula el Liouvilliano total de manera explícita índice a índice. Suma aparte las componentes de las matrices M.
Es la más eficiente hasta ahora.
db = dopplerBroadening(0.397e-6, 0.866e-6, alpha, T)
lwg = np.sqrt(lwg**2 + (0.83*db)**2)
lwp = np.sqrt(lwp**2 + (0.17*db)**2)
CC = EffectiveL(gPS, gPD, lwg, lwp)
Heff = H0matrix(Detg, Detp, u) + HImatrix(rabG, rabP, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, circularityprobe) + CC
# Heffdaga = np.matrix(Heff).getH()
Heffdaga = np.conj(np.transpose(Heff))
Lfullpartial = np.zeros((64, 64), dtype=np.complex_)
for r in range(8):
for q in range(8):
for k in range(8):
for j in range(8):
if j!=q and r!=k:
elif j==q and r!=k:
if (r < 2 and k > 3) or (k < 2 and r > 3) or (r > 3 and k > 3) or (r==0 and k==1) or (r==1 and k==0) or (r==2 and k==3) or (r==3 and k==2):
#todo esto sale de analizar explicitamente la matriz y tratar de no calcular cosas de más que dan cero
Lfullpartial[r*8+q][k*8+j] = (-1j)*(Heff[r,k])
elif j!=q and r==k:
if (j < 2 and q > 3) or (q < 2 and j > 3) or (j > 3 and q > 3) or (j==0 and q==1) or (j==1 and q==0) or (j==2 and q==3) or (j==3 and q==2):
Lfullpartial[r*8+q][k*8+j] = (-1j)*(-Heffdaga[j,q])
if Heff[r,k] == Heffdaga[j,q]:
Lfullpartial[r*8+q][k*8+j] = (-1j)*(Heff[r,k]-Heffdaga[j,q])
M = CalculateSingleMmatrix(gPS, gPD, lwg, lwp)
# L0 = np.array(np.matrix(Lfullpartial) + M)
L0 = Lfullpartial + M
nmax = 3
Ltemp, Omega = LtempCalculus(beta, drivefreq)
L1 = GetL1(Ltemp, L0, Omega, nmax)
i = 0
while i < 64:
if i%9 == 0:
Lfull[0, i] = 1
Lfull[0, i] = 0
i = i + 1
return Lfull
Scripts para correr un experimento y hacer el análisis de los datos
def CPTspectrum8levels_MM(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, Detg, u, lwg, lwp, Temp, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, Circularityprobe, beta, drivefreq, freqMin=-100, freqMax=100, freqStep=1e-1, plot=False, solvemode=1):
Hace un experimento barriendo ángulos de repump con el angulo de doppler fijo.
solvemode=1: resuelve con np.linalg.solve
solvemode=2: resuelve invirtiendo L con la funcion np.linalg.inv
phidoppler, titadoppler = phidoppler*(np.pi/180), titadoppler*(np.pi/180)
phiprobe, titaprobe = phiprobe*(np.pi/180), titaprobe*(np.pi/180)
DetProbeVector = 2*np.pi*np.arange(freqMin*1e6, freqMax*1e6+0*freqStep*1e6, freqStep*1e6)
Detg = 2*np.pi*Detg*1e6
#lwg, lwr, lwp = 2*np.pi*lwg*1e6, 2*np.pi*lwr*1e6, 2*np.pi*lwp*1e6
lwg, lwp = lwg*1e6, lwp*1e6
rabG = sg*gPS
rabP = sp*gPD
#u = 2*np.pi*u*1e6
Fluovector = []
# tinicial = time.time()
for Detp in DetProbeVector:
L = FullL_MM(rabG, rabP, gPS, gPD, Detg, Detp, u, lwg, lwp, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, beta, drivefreq, Temp, alpha, Circularityprobe)
# if solvemode == 1:
rhovectorized = np.linalg.solve(L, np.array([int(i==0) for i in range(64)],dtype=np.complex_))
Fluo = np.real(rhovectorized[18] + np.real(rhovectorized[27]))
# if solvemode == 2:
# Linv = np.linalg.inv(L)
# rhovectorized = [Linv[j][0] for j in range(len(Linv))]
# Fluo = np.real(rhovectorized[18] + np.real(rhovectorized[27])) #estos son los rho33 + rho44
# Fluovector.append(Fluo)
# tfinal = time.time()
# print('Done, Total time: ', round((tfinal-tinicial), 2), "s")
DetProbeVectorMHz = np.arange(freqMin, freqMax, freqStep)
# if plot:
# plt.xlabel('Probe detuning (MHz)')
# plt.ylabel('Fluorescence (A.U.)')
# plt.plot(DetProbeVectorMHz, [100*f for f in Fluovector], label=str(titaprobe) + 'º, T: ' + str(Temp*1e3) + ' mK')
# plt.legend()
return DetProbeVectorMHz, Fluovector
# @njit
# def lolo():
# L = FullL_MM(100,200,12,123,14)
# return np.linalg.solve(L, np.array([int(i==0) for i in range(64)],dtype=np.complex_))
# lolo()
# raise ValueError('áaa')
if __name__ == "__main__":
ub = 9.27e-24
h = 6.63e-34
c = (ub/h)*1e-4 #en unidades de MHz/G
B = 25 #campo magnetico en gauss
u = c*B
sg, sr, sp = 0.5, 1.5, 4 #parámetros de saturación del doppler y repump
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6 #anchos de linea de las transiciones
rabG, rabR, rabP = sg*gPS, sr*gPD, sp*gPD #frecuencias de rabi
lwg, lwr, lwp = 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 #ancho de linea de los laseres
Detg = -25
Detr = 20 #detuning del doppler y repump
Temp = 0.0e-3 #temperatura en K
alpha = 0*(np.pi/180) #angulo entre los láseres
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 90
phiprobe, titaprobe = 0, 90
plotCPT = False
freqMin = -50
freqMax = 50
freqStep = 5e-2
# Frequencyvector, Fluovector = CPTspectrum8levels_MM(rabG, rabR, rabP, gPS, gPD, Detg, Detr, u, lwg, lwr, lwp, Temp, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, phirepump, titarepump, freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep, plot=plotCPT, solvemode=1)
Frequencyvector, Fluovector = PerformExperiment_8levels_MM(0.9,6.2,135591138.92893547,8482300.164692441,-24.5,32500000.0,0.1,0.1,0.001,0,0,90,0,90,2.0,139078306.77442014,-54.39999999999998,26.26666666666671,0.6666666666666856,circularityprobe=1,plot=False,solvemode=1,detpvec=None)
plt.plot(Frequencyvector, [100*f for f in Fluovector], label=str(titaprobe) + 'º, T: ' + str(Temp*1e3) + ' mK')
plt.xlabel('Probe detuning (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('Fluorescence (A.U.)')
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