Commit 25858b86 authored by Nicolas Nunez Barreto's avatar Nicolas Nunez Barreto
parents 8069da7c e7524aa0
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ from scipy import interpolate
CPT_FILES = """000011345-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized
HEATING_FILES = """000011346-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized
HEATING_FILES = """000015318-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized
......@@ -32,6 +35,13 @@ HEATING_FILES = """000011346-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized
for i in range(0,20):
CPT_FILES = CPT_FILES + f'0000153{39 + i}-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized\n'
def SeeKeys(files):
for i, fname in enumerate(files.split()):
......@@ -74,6 +84,8 @@ UVCPTAmp_heating = []
No_measures_heating = []
Freqs_heating = []
for i, fname in enumerate(HEATING_FILES.split()):
print(str(i) + ' - ' + fname)
......@@ -95,12 +107,14 @@ for i, fname in enumerate(HEATING_FILES.split()):
Ploteo las cpt de referencia / plotting the reference CPT
jvec = [0,1]
jvec = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
jvec = np.arange(0,20)
i = 0
for j in jvec:
plt.errorbar([2*f*1e-6 for f in Freqs[j]], Counts[j], yerr=np.sqrt(Counts[j]), fmt='o', capsize=2, markersize=2)
#plt.errorbar([2*f*1e-6 for f in Freqs[j]], Counts[j], yerr=np.sqrt(Counts[j]), fmt='o', capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.errorbar([2*f*1e-6 for f in Freqs[j]], Counts[j])
i = i + 1
plt.xlabel('Frecuencia (MHz)')
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ secular=False
plt.plot([2*f*1e-6 for f in ExtraIR1_Freqs[1][1:]], [1e-3*c for c in ExtraCounts[1][1:]], '-o', markersize=2, label='Colineales')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)', fontname='STIXgeneral',fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('IR1 Frequency (MHz)', fontname='STIXgeneral',fontsize=15)
plt.xlim(425, 455)
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ def SeeKeys(files):
def Lorentzian( x, A, B, x0, gam,C):
def Lorentzian( x, A, B, x0, gam):
return A * gam**2 / ( gam**2 + ( x - x0 )**2) + B - C*(x - x0)
......@@ -598,9 +598,12 @@ Resonancias DD configuracion +2/-2 colineal variando la ubicacion del ion en los
Alta estadistica
def Lorentzian( x, A, B, x0, gam,C):
return A * gam**2 / ( gam**2 + ( x - x0 )**2) + B - C*(x - x0)
palette = sns.color_palette("tab10")
palette = sns.color_palette("rocket")
pmlocmedvec = np.arange(0,len(HS_FILES),1)
......@@ -644,17 +647,17 @@ for med in pmlocmedvec:
if med not in [800]:
plt.plot([1e3*(2*f*1e-6-435)-fi for f in PiezoHSFrequencies[med][1:]], [1e-3*c for c in PiezoHSCounts[med][1:]], '-o', markersize=2, alpha=0.7)
plt.plot([1e3*(f-435)-fi for f in Freqs],[l*1e-3 for l in Lorentzian(Freqs,*popt)],linewidth=5)
plt.plot([1e3*(2*f*1e-6-435)-fi for f in PiezoHSFrequencies[med][1:]], [1e-3*c for c in PiezoHSCounts[med][1:]], '-o', markersize=2, alpha=0.7,color=palette[0])
plt.plot([1e3*(f-435)-fi for f in Freqs],[l*1e-3 for l in Lorentzian(Freqs,*popt)],linewidth=5,color=palette[0])
plt.xlabel('Frequency (kHz)',fontname='STIXgeneral',fontsize=50)
plt.xlabel('IR1 Frequency (kHz)',fontname='STIXgeneral',fontsize=40)
plt.savefig('/home/nico/Nextcloud/Nico/Doctorado/Charlas/2023 Europe/DDresonancesexperimental_fine.pdf')
# plt.legend()
#plt.title(f'Ancho: {round(1e3*popt[3],2)} kHz')
print(f'Ancho: {round(1e3*popt[3],2)} kHz')
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 2 16:30:09 2020
@author: oem
import os
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
import MM_eightLevel_2repumps_python_scripts
from MM_eightLevel_2repumps_python_scripts import CPTspectrum8levels,CPTspectrum8levels_vel
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import random
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as sf
from scipy.stats import norm
def PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, dephasing = False, boltzmann = False):
solvemode=1: resuelve con np.linalg.solve
solvemode=2: resuelve invirtiendo L con la funcion np.linalg.inv
kboltz = 1.380649e-23
m = 6.6551079e-26
kg = np.pi * 2/397 *1e9
kp = np.pi * 2/866 *1e9
if detpvec is None:
detpvec = np.arange(freqMin,freqMax,freqStep)
if boltzmann == True:
FluorescencesVel = []
sigmaT = np.sqrt(kboltz*T/m)
velvec = np.linspace(-4*sigmaT,4*sigmaT,100)
MBprobVec = norm.pdf(velvec,loc = 0, scale = sigmaT)
for i in range(len(velvec)):
detVel = (detpvec - kp*velvec[i])/(2*np.pi*1e6)
_, Fluorescence = CPTspectrum8levels( sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler-kg*velvec[i]/(2*np.pi*1e6),u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, 0,alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe,circularityprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep, plot=False,detpvec=detVel)
FluorescencesVel = np.array(FluorescencesVel)
MBprobMat = np.tile(MBprobVec,(FluorescencesVel.shape[1],1)).T
Fluorescence = np.trapz(FluorescencesVel*MBprobMat,velvec,axis = 0)
ProbeDetuningVectorL = np.arange(freqMin,freqMax,freqStep)
elif dephasing == True:
tinicial = time.time()
ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluorescence = CPTspectrum8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, circularityprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep, detpvec = detpvec, plot=False, solvemode=1)
tfinal = time.time()
drivefreq =2*np.pi* 1e3
FluorescencesVel = []
sigmaT = np.sqrt(T*kboltz/m)
velvec = np.linspace(-4*sigmaT,4*sigmaT,100)
MBprobVec = norm.pdf(velvec,loc = 0, scale = sigmaT)
betagVec = velvec*kg/drivefreq
betapVec = velvec*kp/drivefreq
for i in range(len(betagVec)):
betag,betap = betagVec[i],betapVec[i]
Frequencies, Fluorescence = CPTspectrum8levels( sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler,u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, 0,alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe,circularityprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep, plot=False,detpvec=None)
FluorescencesVel = np.array(FluorescencesVel)
MBprobMat = np.tile(MBprobVec,(FluorescencesVel.shape[1],1)).T
Fluorescence = np.trapz(FluorescencesVel*MBprobMat,velvec,axis = 0)
ProbeDetuningVectorL = Frequencies
#print('Done, Total time: ', round((tfinal-tinicial), 2), "s")
return ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluorescence
def PerformExperiment_8levels_vel(velvect,titavect,phivect,velprob,sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, beta, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None):
solvemode=1: resuelve con np.linalg.solve
solvemode=2: resuelve invirtiendo L con la funcion np.linalg.inv
tinicial = time.time()
ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluovector = CPTspectrum8levels_vel(velvect,titavect,phivect,velprob,sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, circularityprobe, beta, drivefreq, freqMin=freqMin, freqMax=freqMax, freqStep=freqStep, plot=False, solvemode=1)
tfinal = time.time()
#print('Done, Total time: ', round((tfinal-tinicial), 2), "s")
return ProbeDetuningVectorL, Fluovector
def GenerateNoisyCPT(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, kg, kr, v0, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=0.001):
Frequencyvector, Fluovector = PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobeVec, kg, kr, v0, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
NoisyFluovector = [fluo+noiseamplitude*(2*random.random()-1) for fluo in Fluovector]
return Frequencyvector, NoisyFluovector
def GenerateNoisyCPT_vel(velvect,titavect,phivect,velprob,sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, drivefreq,beta, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=0.001):
Frequencyvector, Fluovector = PerformExperiment_8levels_vel(velvect,titavect,phivect,velprob,sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe,beta, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe = circularityprobe, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None)
NoisyFluovector = [fluo+noiseamplitude*(2*random.random()-1) for fluo in Fluovector]
return Frequencyvector, NoisyFluovector
def SmoothNoisyCPT(Fluo, window=11, poly=3):
SmoothenFluo = sf(Fluo, window, poly)
return SmoothenFluo
def fitCPT_8levels(Freq,Fluo,sg,sp,gPS,gPD,DetDoppler,u,DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe,beta, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False,dephasing = False, boltzmann = False ):
def SpectrumForFit(Freq,sg,sp,T,DetDoppler):
freq,spectra = PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, beta, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=Freq)
return spectra
popt,pcov = curve_fit(SpectrumForFit,Freq,Fluo,p0 = [sg,sp,T,DetDoppler],bounds = ([0.01,0.01,0.00001,-50e6],[1,20,1,30e6]))
fitted_spectra = SpectrumForFit(Freq,*popt)
return Freq, fitted_spectra,popt,pcov
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 1 17:58:39 2020
@author: nico
import os
import numpy as np
from MM_eightLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import PerformExperiment_8levels, GenerateNoisyCPT_vel, SmoothNoisyCPT, PerformExperiment_8levels_vel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import h5py
def MB_prob(vel,T):
return (m/(2*np.pi*kboltz*T))**(3/2)*2* vel**2 *np.exp(-vel**2 * m/(2*kboltz*T))
def MB_prob_1d(vel,T):
return np.sqrt(m/(2*np.pi*kboltz*T))*np.exp(-vel**2 * m/(2*kboltz*T))
# "text.usetex": True,
# "": "CM Roman"
plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = plt.cycler('color', ['#DBAD1F', '#C213DB', '#DB4F2A', '#0500DB', '#09DB9B', '#B4001B', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf'])
ub = 9.27e-24 #magneton de bohr
h = 6.63e-34 #cte de planck
c = (ub/h)*1e-4 #en unidades de MHz/G
kboltz = 1.380649e-23
m = 6.6551079e-26
u = 32e6 #esto equivale aprox al campo que tenemos
B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6 #anchos de linea de las transiciones
lw = 0.1 #ancho de linea de los laseres en MHz
DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
DetDoppler = -15 #detuning doppler en MHz
T = 0.1e-3 #temperatura en K
alpha = 0 #angulo entre los láseres
#estos son los angulos de la polarizacion de los laseres respecto al campo magnetico
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
titaprobe = 90
phiprobe = 0
#este es el desfasaje exp(i.phi) de la componente de la polarizacion y respecto a la x. Con 1 la polarizacion es lineal
CircPr = 1
#Parametros de la simulacion cpt todo en MHz
center = -15
span = 30
freqMin = center-span*0.5
freqMax = center+span*0.5
freqStep = 0.5
noiseamplitude = 0
#parametros de saturacion de los laseres. g: doppler. p: probe (un rebombeo que scanea), r: repump (otro rebombeo fijo)
sg = 0.3
sp = 3
kg = np.pi * 2/397 *1e9
kp = np.pi * 2/866 *1e9
#betavec = np.arange(0,1.1,0.1)
#fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
FrequenciesVec = []
FluorescencesVec = []
alphavec = [0]
Tvec = np.linspace(0.5e-3,100e-3,15)
#Tvec = np.linspace(0.001,0.1,20)
s12vec = np.linspace(0.2,0.6,20)
#s12vec = [s12vec[2],s12vec[4],s12vec[10],s12vec[18]]
s12vec = [0.28]
s23vec = np.linspace(0.5,15,20)
#s23vec = [s23vec[2],s23vec[6],s23vec[10],s23vec[18]]
s23vec = [10]
Tmat = np.zeros((len(s12vec),len(s23vec)))
Tvec_ajuste = np.zeros(len(Tvec))
phivect = 0
T = 10e-3
titavect = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
betag = 0
betap = 0
alpha = 0
Freq,Fluo_sb = PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, dephasing = False, boltzmann = False)
Freq,Fluo_boltz = PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, dephasing = False, boltzmann = True)
Freq,Fluo_deph = PerformExperiment_8levels(sg, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, titaprobe, betag, betap, drivefreq, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, circularityprobe=1, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, dephasing = True, boltzmann = False)
plt.plot(Freq,Fluo_boltz,label = 'Velocities')
plt.plot(Freq,Fluo_sb,label = 'Sideband')
plt.plot(Freq,Fluo_deph, label = 'Dephasing')
CPT_FILES = """000011345-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized
for i in range(0,9):
CPT_FILES = CPT_FILES + f'0000153{19 + i}-IR_Scan_withcal_optimized\n'
def SeeKeys(files):
for i, fname in enumerate(files.split()):
data = h5py.File(fname+'.h5', 'r') # Leo el h5: Recordar que nuestros datos estan en 'datasets'
Counts = []
Freqs = []
AmpTisa = []
UVCPTAmp = []
No_measures = []
for i, fname in enumerate(CPT_FILES.split()):
print(str(i) + ' - ' + fname)
data = h5py.File(fname+'.h5', 'r') # Leo el h5: Recordar que nuestros datos estan en 'datasets'
# Aca hago algo repugnante para poder levantar los strings que dejamos
# que además tenian un error de tipeo al final. Esto no deberá ser necesario
# cuando se solucione el error este del guardado.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 1 17:58:39 2020
@author: oem
import os
import numpy as np
#os.chdir('/home/oem/Nextcloud/G_liaf/liaf-TrampaAnular/Código General/EIT-CPT/Buenos Aires/Experiment Simulations/CPT scripts/Eight Level 2 repumps')
from threeLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import CalculoTeoricoDarkResonances_8levels, GetMinimaInfo, GetPlotsofFluovsAngle_8levels, PerformExperiment_8levels, FindDRFrequencies, FindRelativeFluorescencesOfDR, GenerateNoisyCPT, SmoothNoisyCPT, GetFinalMaps, GenerateNoisyCPT_fixedRabi, GenerateNoisyCPT_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from threeLevel_2repumps_AnalysisFunctions import MeasureRelativeFluorescenceFromCPT, IdentifyPolarizationCoincidences, RetrieveAbsoluteCoincidencesBetweenMaps, GetClosestIndex
#C:\Users\Usuario\Nextcloud\G_liaf\liaf-TrampaAnular\Código General\EIT-CPT\Buenos Aires\Experiment Simulations\CPT scripts\Eight Level 2 repumps
ub = 9.27e-24
h = 6.63e-34
c = (ub/h)*1e-4 #en unidades de MHz/G
#u = 1e6
u = 33.5e6
B = (u/(2*np.pi))/c
#sg, sp = 0.6, 5 #parámetros de control, saturación del doppler y repump
#rabG, rabP = sg*gPS, sp*gPD #frecuencias de rabi
gPS, gPD, = 2*np.pi*21.58e6, 2*np.pi*1.35e6 #anchos de linea de las transiciones
lw = 0.1
DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth = lw, lw, lw #ancho de linea de los laseres
DetDoppler = -36 #42
DetRepumpVec = [DetDoppler+29.6]
Tvec = [0.7] #temperatura en mK
alpha = 0*(np.pi/180) #angulo entre los láseres
phidoppler, titadoppler = 0, 90
phirepump, titarepump = 0, 0
phiprobe = 0
titaprobe = 90
#Calculo las resonancias oscuras teóricas
#ResonanciasTeoricas, DRPositivas = CalculoTeoricoDarkResonances_8levels(u/(2*np.pi*1e6), titadoppler, DetDoppler, DetRepump)
#Parametros de la simulacion cpt
center = -45
span = 80
freqMin = center-span*0.5
freqMax = center+span*0.5
""" parametros para tener espectros coherentes
freqMin = -56
freqMax = 14
freqStep = 1e-1
noiseamplitude = 0
RelMinMedido0Vector = []
RelMinMedido1Vector = []
RelMinMedido2Vector = []
RelMinMedido3Vector = []
RelMinMedido4Vector = []
#Sr = np.arange(0, 10, 0.2)
#Sg = np.arange(0.01, 1, 0.05)
#Sp = np.arange(0.1, 6.1, 1)
#Sg = [0.6**2]
#Sp = [2.3**2]
Sg = [1.4]
Sp = [6]
Sr = [11]
i = 0
save = False
showFigures = True
if not showFigures:
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
offsetx = 464
ax1.plot([f-offsetx for f in FreqsDR], CountsDR, 'o')
run = True
Scale = 730
Offset = 600 #600 para 20k cuentas aprox
MaxCoherenceValue = []
for sg in Sg:
for sp in Sp:
rabG, rabP = sg*gPS, sp*gPD
for Ti in Tvec:
T = Ti*1e-3
for DetRepump in DetRepumpVec:
for sr in Sr:
rabR = sr*gPD
#MeasuredFreq, MeasuredFluo = GenerateNoisyCPT(rabG, rabR, rabP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, DetRepump, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, [titaprobe], phirepump, titarepump, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=noiseamplitude)
if run:
MeasuredFreq4, MeasuredFluo4 = GenerateNoisyCPT_fixedRabi(sg, sr, sp, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, DetRepump, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, [titaprobe], phirepump, titarepump, freqMin, freqMax, freqStep, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=noiseamplitude)
#SmoothFluo = SmoothNoisyCPT(MeasuredFluo, window=9, poly=2)
SmoothFluo4 = MeasuredFluo4
#Scale = max(BestC)/max([100*s for s in SmoothFluo4])
ax1.plot(MeasuredFreq4, [Scale*100*f + Offset for f in SmoothFluo4], label=f'Sr = {sr}')
ax1.axvline(DetDoppler, linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
#if sr != 0:
#ax1.axvline(DetRepump, linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
ax1.set_xlabel('Detuning Rebombeo (MHz)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Fluorescencia (AU)')
ax1.set_title(f'B: {round(B, 2)} G, Sdop: {round(sg, 2)}, Sp: {round(sp, 2)}, Sr: {round(sr, 2)}, lw: {lw} MHz, T: {Ti} mK')
#ax1.set_ylim(0, 8)
#ax1.axvline(DetDoppler, linestyle='dashed', color='red', linewidth=1)
#ax1.axvline(DetRepump, linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=1)
#ax1.set_title('Pol Doppler y Repump: Sigma+ Sigma-, Pol Probe: PI')
print (f'{i+1}/{len(Sg)*len(Sp)}')
i = i + 1
if save:
plt.savefig(f'Mapa_plots_100k_1mk/CPT_SMSM_sdop{round(sg, 2)}_sp{round(sp, 2)}_sr{round(sr, 2)}.jpg')
plt.plot(Sr, MaxCoherenceValue, 'o')
plt.plot(MeasuredFreq, [100*f for f in SmoothFluo], color='darkred')
plt.xlabel('Desintonía 866 (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('Fluorescencia (A.U.)')
plt.axvline(-30, color='darkblue', linewidth=1.2, linestyle='--')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.4, 1.8, 0.2))
plt.ylim(0.5, 1.6)
plt.plot(MeasuredFreq4, [100*f for f in SmoothFluo4], color='darkred')
plt.xlabel('Desintonía 866 (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('Fluorescencia (A.U.)')
plt.axvline(-30, color='darkblue', linewidth=1.2, linestyle='--')
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.8, 2.4, 0.4))
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
T = 0.5e-3
sg = 0.7
sp = 6
sr = 0
DetDoppler = -14
DetRepump = 0
FitsSp = []
FitsOffset = []
Sg = [0.87]
def FitEIT(freqs, SP, offset):
MeasuredFreq, MeasuredFluo = GenerateNoisyCPT_fit(0.87, sr, SP, gPS, gPD, DetDoppler, DetRepump, u, DopplerLaserLinewidth, RepumpLaserLinewidth, ProbeLaserLinewidth, T, alpha, phidoppler, titadoppler, phiprobe, [titaprobe], phirepump, titarepump, freqs, plot=False, solvemode=1, detpvec=None, noiseamplitude=noiseamplitude)
FinalFluo = [f*43000 + 2685 for f in MeasuredFluo]
return FinalFluo
freqs = [f-offsetx+32 for f in FreqsDR]
freqslong = np.arange(min(freqs), max(freqs)+freqs[1]-freqs[0], 0.1*(freqs[1]-freqs[0]))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(FitEIT, freqs, CountsDR, p0=[5, 700], bounds=(0, [10, 1e6]))
FittedEIT = FitEIT(freqslong, *popt)
plt.errorbar(freqs, CountsDR, yerr=2*np.sqrt(CountsDR), fmt='o', capsize=2, markersize=2)
plt.plot(freqslong, FitEIT(freqslong, *popt))
plt.title(f'Sdop: {round(popt[0], 2)}, Spr: {round(popt[1], 2)}, T: {T*1e3} mK, detDop: {DetDoppler} MHz')
np.savetxt('CPT_measured.txt', np.transpose([freqs, CountsDR]))
np.savetxt('CPT_fitted.txt', np.transpose([freqslong, FittedEIT]))
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