Commit 6cffa368 authored by Lucas Giardino's avatar Lucas Giardino

agrego posible applet dehistogramas realtime + ejemplo de prueba

parent 931683cd
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import PyQt5 # make sure pyqtgraph imports Qt5
import pyqtgraph
from artiq.applets.simple import TitleApplet
class MakeHistogramAndPlot(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget):
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
def data_changed(self, data, mods, title):
y = data[self.args.y][1]
y = y[~np.isnan(y)]
#if len(y[~np.isnan(y)]) > 5: return
if self.args.x is None:
x = 'auto'
x = data[self.args.x][1]
except KeyError:
# This makes the histogram with the full datasets
# may be slow so it should be run with a reasonable
# --update-delay value
heigs, binsides = np.histogram(y, bins=x, density=True)
self.plot(binsides, heigs, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0,
brush=(0, 0, 255, 150))
def main():
applet = TitleApplet(MakeHistogramAndPlot)
applet.add_dataset("y", "Y values")
applet.add_dataset("x", "Bin boundaries", required=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from artiq.experiment import *
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import poisson
class MockPMT(): #{{{
def __init__(self, mean=50):
self.mean = mean
def count(self):
return poisson.rvs(self.mean)
def change_mean(self, new_mean):
self.mean = new_mean
# }}}
class PMTCountRealtime(EnvExperiment):
"""Realtime PMT counts visualization"""
def build(self):
self.setattr_argument("no_measures", NumberValue(10, min=1, ndecimals=0, step=1))
self.setattr_argument("freqs", Scannable(
default=CenterScan(200*MHz, 20*MHz, 1*MHz),
global_min = 1*MHz,
global_max = 400*MHz
self.setattr_device("ccb") # To issue the applets
self.pmt = MockPMT(mean=6)
def run(self):
self.set_dataset("current_freq", np.full(1, 0.), broadcast=True, archive=False)
# Applet creation {{{
self.ccb.issue("create_applet", "output_frecuency",
"${artiq_applet}big_number "
self.ccb.issue("create_applet", "ticks_plot",
"${artiq_applet}plot_xy "
# Custom histogram plot creator (needs a reasonable --update-delay)
self.ccb.issue("create_applet", "ticks_histogram",
"${artiq_applet}histogram "
"ticks "
"--update-delay 0.5",
# }}}
# # Change freq and read {{{
# # this emulates a change in frequency, then many pmt readings
# # and storing (displaying) the mean
# self.set_dataset("ticks", np.full(len(self.freqs), np.nan),
# broadcast=True, archive=False)
# counts = 0
# for fn, curr_freq in enumerate(self.freqs):
# self.mutate_dataset("current_freq", 0, curr_freq)
# # self.pmt.change_mean(60 + 5*fn)
# counts = 0
# for i in range(self.no_measures):
# counts += self.pmt.count()
# time.sleep(20e-6)
# self.mutate_dataset("ticks", fn, counts/self.no_measures)
# # }}}
# PMT count reading {{{
# This emulates just reading from the PMT: e.g. dark counts distr
self.set_dataset("ticks", np.full(self.no_measures, np.nan),
broadcast=True, archive=False)
for i in range(self.no_measures):
self.mutate_dataset("ticks", i, self.pmt.count())
# }}}
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