Commit a9499f0b authored by Nicolas Nunez Barreto's avatar Nicolas Nunez Barreto

ahora si

parent 97b28e17
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import os
import scipy.stats as sts
# Solo levanto algunos experimentos
Stat_files = [8731, 8737, 8738, 8740]
Stat_files = [8731, 8738, 8745]
def expo(T, tau, N0, C):
global T0
......@@ -55,11 +55,15 @@ for i, fname in enumerate(Stat_files):
bins1 = np.arange(100,350, 1)
bins2 = np.arange(10,50,1)
bins3 = np.arange(30,100,1)
plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[0], bins=bins1, histtype='step',density = True)
#plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[1], bins=bins2, histtype='step',density = True)
plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[1], bins=bins2, histtype='step',density = True)
plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[2], bins=bins2, histtype='step',density = True)
#plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[3], bins=bins2, histtype='step',density = True)
#plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[4], bins=bins2, histtype='step',density = True)
plt.hist(Stat_Heigths[2], bins=bins3, histtype='step',density = True)
poisson = sts.poisson.pmf(bins,np.mean(Stat_Heigths))
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