Commit c55d7e6a authored by Lucas Giardino's avatar Lucas Giardino

lectura de json preexistente

parent 69b498b0
......@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
# - go to the same directory as the 'device.db' file
# (otherwise you must specify the correct --device-db)
# - run this file as `artiq_run`
# [-] specify `--device-db path/to/device.db` parameter with proper path if needed
# [-] add a & to the end of the call to run as a background process
# [-] specify `--device-db path/to/device.db` parameter with proper path if needed
# [-] add a & to the end of the call to run as a background process
import sys
import os
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
# from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QDoubleValidator
# from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot
......@@ -16,15 +17,19 @@ from artiq.experiment import *
# [ ] Check why amplitude fails to update
# [ ] Set initial values of inputs to correct ones based on dict
# [ ] └ Look for a saved json at start to get initial values
# [ ] Catch errors and send according popus
# [~] Set initial values of inputs to correct ones based on dict
# [~] └ Look for a saved json at start to get initial values
# [ ] Check inputs
# [ ] Add options to specify datafiles
# [ ] Catch errors and send according popups
# [ ] Refactor to remove the artiq/dds handle issue
# [ ] Add tabs to store different configurations
JSON_DATAFILE = 'dds_states.json'
class SingleChannel(QWidget): #{{{
"""Class to control a single given Urukul channel"""
def __init__(self, core, dds, name="Default Name"):
def __init__(self, core, dds, name="Default Name", initial_pars=None):
# Must pass artiq and dds handles. I don't know how to work around this
# but should be doable somehow
......@@ -32,13 +37,16 @@ class SingleChannel(QWidget): #{{{
self.core = core = dds
# PArameter dictionary to store and save current DDS states
self.state_params = {
'state' : 0 ,
'freq' : 200*MHz ,
'amp' : 1. ,
'att' : 0*dB
if initial_pars is None:
# PArameter dictionary to store and save current DDS states
self.state_params = {
'state' : 0 ,
'freq' : 200*MHz ,
'amp' : 1. ,
'att' : 0*dB
self.state_params = initial_pars
# Each DDS will have each own enablable group
self.groupbox = QGroupBox(name)
......@@ -62,8 +70,8 @@ class SingleChannel(QWidget): #{{{
# Frecuency input {{{
self.freq_input = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.freq_input.setPrefix("Frequency: ")
self.freq_input.setRange(1., 400.)
self.freq_input.setRange(1., 400., 0.1)
self.freq_input.setSuffix(" MHz")
......@@ -72,8 +80,8 @@ class SingleChannel(QWidget): #{{{
# Amplitude input {{{
self.amp_input = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.amp_input.setPrefix("Amplitude: ")
self.amp_input.setRange(0., 1.)
self.amp_input.setRange(0., 1., 0.1)
# }}}
......@@ -81,8 +89,8 @@ class SingleChannel(QWidget): #{{{
# Attenuation input {{{
self.att_input = QDoubleSpinBox()
self.att_input.setPrefix("Attenuation: ")
self.att_input.setRange(0., 31.)
self.att_input.setRange(0., 31., 0.1)
self.att_input.setSuffix(" dB")
......@@ -174,15 +182,22 @@ class DDSManager(QWidget): #{{{
self.ch0 = ch0
self.ch1 = ch1
# Make a default initial parameter dictionary to pass to the channels
# in case a real one is found, this gets stepped on with the real values
initial_params = {'ch0': None, 'ch1': None}
self.setWindowTitle("DDS Manager GUI")
layout = QGridLayout()
# Create both output widgets
self.laser_1 = SingleChannel(core, ch0, name="Laser 1")
self.laser_1 = SingleChannel(core, ch0, name="Laser 1",
layout.addWidget(self.laser_1.get_widget(), 0, 0)
self.laser_2 = SingleChannel(core, ch1, name="Laser 2")
self.laser_2 = SingleChannel(core, ch1, name="Laser 2",
layout.addWidget(self.laser_2.get_widget(), 0, 1)
save_btn = QPushButton("Save state")
......@@ -193,13 +208,21 @@ class DDSManager(QWidget): #{{{
layout.addWidget(start_btn, 1, 1)
def save(self):
def load_state(self):
"""Load the JSON parameter dictionary if existent"""
if !os.path.isfile(JSON_DATAFILE):
return False
with open(JSON_DATAFILE, "r") as in_json:
return json.load(in_json)
def save_state(self):
"""Store the parameter dictionary as a JSON file"""
ch0_data = self.laser_1.get_state()
ch1_data = self.laser_2.get_state()
out_json = {'ch0':ch0_data, 'ch1':ch1_data}
file_name = 'dds_states.json'
with open(file_name, 'w') as log:
with open(JSON_DATAFILE, 'w') as log:
json.dump(out_json, log, indent=1)
def start(self):
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